Preparing for the challenge of efectively distributing leadership: Lessons learned from the creation of a leadership team


  • Kathryn Singh



The experience of the author in creating and working with a leadership team over the course of three years in a private Mexican high school is shared. An overview of distributed leadership is provided as the theory underlying the approach taken at this new site. Information is shared on the actual institutional context of the team as well as the director’s strategy for creating and preparing the team before and during their work. In addition, the author shares the way in which the group evolved over time. Pros and cons for working under a distributed model are discussed as are recommendations for leaders and trainers of leaders. Creating a successful distributed leadership model requires a great deal of thought and effort. It is crucial that members are willing and able to make and implement wise, informed decisions. It is important, as well, to be aware of a new “worldview” that must be developed at the site in order for the work of the group to be accepted and valued.




